North Woods Knitting Patterns
Click here for FULL MENU To get the knitting patterns, scroll down the page to the individual pattern you want and click on the link to that pattern. These patterns are not my designs but links to other designers who have generously shared their patterns. If you have...Flying Creatures
Click here for FULL MENU Flying Creature Knitting Patterns Birds Bird Variety Owls Penguins Butterflies and Cutie Crawlies Dragons To view the knitting pattern collections, scroll down the page and click on the pattern post for the collection. That will take you to a...
Knit Wit Definitions: 14 Words that Mean Something Different to Knitters
Knitters have their own vocabulary and their own way of looking at the world. Here are some of the words that mean something quite different to knitters than the muggles. To see the definitions, scroll down the page. All links on this site are for informational...
New Year Resolutions for Knitters
New Year’s Resolutions that only knitters will understand…

Christmas Decorations Knitting Patterns
Knitting patterns for the holiday season including ornaments, nativity scenes, advent calendars, and more.