Knit Wit Definitions: 14 Words that Mean Something Different to Knitters

Knitters have their own vocabulary and their own way of looking at the world. Here are some of the words that mean something quite different to knitters than the muggles.
To see the definitions, scroll down the page.
All links on this site are for informational purposes, but please note that some links are to affiliate sellers that pay me a small commission on purchases.
1. Knitting – to us, it’s more than just a craft…
Knitting …it’s sitting for creative people. Available on tshirts, totes, mugs and more at Zazzle
2. Knitting achievement is measured differently….
4. What’ll you have? Coffee? Tea? Wine? It’s not a beverage, it’s….
5. Knitters have their own definition of strength training….
Ask me how I bulk up. Available on tshirts, totes, mugs and more at Zazzle
6. Mistakes? – Not in the vocabulary! Knitters don’t make mistakes…we make variations.
7. Knitters even have different names for rooms of the house…
Walk in closet? I believe you mean YARN VAULT. Click to view on tote bags
Click here to view on tshirts.
9. And knitters love to follow a high fiber diet…
My doctor prescribed fiber so I’m going shopping. Click to view on totes, tshirts, mugs, more
10. Forget Lip Syncing! We’re all about Knit Syncing. Thanks to the amazing Stephen West!
12. We need a special work for how wonderful yarn is…
Yarngasm – see it on totes, tshirts, mugs, and more at Cafepress.
13. WIP is not just a misspelling of a cream topping or Indiana Jones’ favorite accessory…
14. And we need all these unique words, because of the feeling knitting gives us…
Terry Matz
Terry is a knitting late-bloomer, learning to knit as an adult from Internet tutorials, because she wanted a craft that was useful, fun, and portable. Knitting hats for cancer patients inspired her to design her own patterns—available for free at her blog, Terry met her husband Ken at a science fiction convention and moved to the Kansas City area to be with him more than 30 years ago. Terry supports her yarn stash by creating websites and other digital media. Terry firmly believes in Knitting in Public—it's a great conversation starter!